WBR - Worldwide Business Research
WBR stands for Worldwide Business Research
Here you will find, what does WBR stand for in Event Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Worldwide Business Research? Worldwide Business Research can be abbreviated as WBR What does WBR stand for? WBR stands for Worldwide Business Research. What does Worldwide Business Research mean?The Event Management company falls under events services category and is located in London, England.
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Alternative definitions of WBR
- West Baltic Region
- Big Rapids, Michigan USA
- World Business Review
- West Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- West Boca Raton, Florida
- Wyndham Interational, Inc.
- With Best Regards
- With Best Regards
View 38 other definitions of WBR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WW When i Work
- WB Way to Blue
- WERSD West Essex Regional School District
- WUST Wuhan University of Science and Technology
- WDCL Warda Designer Collection Ltd.
- WBCL Welty Building Company Ltd
- WOI Western Outdoor Interactive
- WYA West Yost Associates
- WTS Winchester Thurston School
- WWD Windsor Windows and Doors
- WSB Waukesha State Bank
- WSBCTC Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- WCLC Western Canada Lottery Corporation
- WSLH Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
- WRESC Windermere Real Estate Southern California
- WG The Wexford Group
- WSPL Writer Safeguard Private Limited
- WAM Worcester Art Museum
- WSK Webb School of Knoxville
- WP The Whole Person